Are you gearing up for a big move? Whether you're relocating to a new city or just down the street, proper planning is key to a smooth transition. As you navigate through the process of packing up your belongings, notifying utilities, and ensuring everything is in order, having a comprehensive timeline can make all the difference. In this guide, we'll provide you with a detailed checklist and timeline for moving, complete with tips on utilizing Rhino services for a stress-free experience.

 Two Months Before Moving Day:

  • Start by assessing your belongings and deciding what you'll be taking with you to your new home.

  • Research moving companies or rental trucks if you'll be handling the move yourself. Depending on the city you’re relocating to, there are moving services that are better suited for your specific needs. 

  • Begin collecting packing supplies such as boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and markers to make sure you are ready for the big move. You can find a full moving supplies checklist here.

  • Notify your current landlord or property manager about your upcoming move if you're renting.

Six Weeks Before Moving Day:

  • Create a detailed inventory of your belongings and start packing non-essential items. 

  • Notify your utility providers (electricity, gas, water, internet, etc.) of your move-out date and schedule service transfers or cancellations.

  • Update your address with important institutions such as banks, insurance companies, and subscription services.

  • Check in with your new property manager to see if Rhino is available in your building.  Rhino is the first full deposit management platform for the rental industry – Eligible renters will have the option to sign up for a security deposit insurance policy to fulfill their security deposit requirement. If eligible, renters can choose between monthly or annual premium payments to satisfy their security deposit requirement.

Four Weeks Before Moving Day:

  • Begin packing in earnest, starting with items you use infrequently.

  • Label each box clearly with its contents and the room it belongs in.

  • Schedule a moving date with your chosen moving company or finalize your rental truck reservation. 

  • Arrange for any necessary time off work for moving day and the days immediately following.

  • Review your Rhino coverage and ensure all necessary paperwork is in order for your new rental.

Two Weeks Before Moving Day:

  • Confirm all arrangements with your moving company or rental truck provider.

  • Pack a "moving day essentials" box with items you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home (toiletries, a change of clothes, snacks, etc.).

  • Reach out to friends or family who have offered to help with the move and confirm details. 

One Week Before Moving Day:

  • Finish packing all remaining items, leaving out only essentials for the last few days.

  • Confirm your new address with the post office to forward your mail.

  • Make arrangements for any pets or young children on moving day.

  • Take care of any last-minute tasks, such as defrosting the freezer or scheduling a final walkthrough with your landlord.

Moving Day:

  • Direct movers or friends helping with the move to ensure everything goes smoothly.

  • Complete a final walkthrough of your old residence, checking for any overlooked items or any possible damages that could affect your current security deposit

  • Say goodbye to your old home and head to your new place!

After Moving Day:

  • Unpack essential items first, then gradually tackle the rest as time allows.

  • Update your address with the DMV, voter registration, and any other relevant agencies. Here is a more detailed list of what you will need to update post move. 

  • Take advantage of Rhino's security deposit insurance and renters insurance coverage to protect your new home.

By following this checklist and timeline for moving, you can minimize stress and ensure a successful transition to your new home. With proper planning and the right resources, moving doesn't have to be a daunting task. Happy moving!

Haley Samuels

Haley is a Consumer Marketing Manager at Rhino.